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2.2 Assault and false imprisonment convictionĬareer Early life, family and career īoy George was born George Alan O'Dowd at Barnehurst Hospital, Kent, England, on 14 June 1961 and raised in Woolwich, the second of five children born to builder Jerry O'Dowd (born Jeremiah 1932–2004) and Dinah O'Dowd (born Christina Glynn 1939).In 2002, he was voted 46th in a BBC poll of the 100 Greatest Britons. In 2015, Boy George received an Ivor Novello Award from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors for Outstanding Services to British Music. He was the lead singer of Jesus Loves You between 19. His look and style of fashion was greatly inspired by glam rock pioneers David Bowie and Marc Bolan. His music is often classified as blue-eyed soul, which is influenced by rhythm and blues and reggae. He was part of the British New Romantic movement which emerged in the late 1970s to the early 1980s.

George is known for his soulful voice and his androgynous appearance. At the height of the band's fame, during the 1980s, they recorded global hit songs such as ' Karma Chameleon', ' Do You Really Want to Hurt Me' and ' Time (Clock of the Heart)'. He is the lead singer of the pop band Culture Club. George Alan O'Dowd (born 14 June 1961), known professionally as Boy George, is an English singer, songwriter, DJ, fashion designer, photographer and record producer.

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